the service card was used they would.t refund my minutes.Thats not the end either.my son who also is straight talk needed his phone reactivated and im still waiting on a bring your own phone sim for his as well.They have horrible customer service reps are hard to understamd when your on the phone u can't see them speak.I alltogether have 5 straighttalk users in my family. ONLY TO REALIZE THEY HAVE TRANSFERRED HIS # ON TO MY PHONE AND HE NO LONGER HAS SERVICE.I TRY TO CALL HIM REALIZING I CAN'T BECAUSE THEY SHUT HIS PHONE OFF.NEVERTHELESS AN HOUR OR SO LATER HE COMES ROARING UP THE DRIVE IN A TIZZY BECAUSE HE HAS NO PHONE& LATE FOR WORK.RUNS INSIDE WANTING TO KNOW WTF I DID.SO I AFTER WAITING A WEEK AND A HALF FOR MY BOX TO ARRIVE TO SEND MY FIRST PHONE(THAT THEY DECIDED WASNT COVERED UNDER THE WARRANTY I PURCHASED)I CALL THEM BACK GO THRU 2 OPERATORS UNTILL I FINALLY GET SOMEONE WITH ONCE AGAIN GOOD ENOUGH ENGLISH FOR ME TO UNDERSTAND.They then tell me that i have to have a completely new sim card mailed for my phone ,but ,i could take my sim card out give it to my boyfriend and his service will be active ,but as for me i must wait a week and half.Now my boyfriend had just recently refilled his service however mine was to run out around the expected arrival date of my new sim card.So the next week only 2 wweks after he re-filled his phone time he is suddenly out of minutes.Try explaining that to someone in India !!!So after another hour on the phone he gives up and buys more time.saying its not worth the headache kind of like i did with the warranty of the first phone.So finally my sim arrives!!!! now remember my phone was activated the day of the phone # mix up and i had added my new pin that day for minutes.i even asked the lady to make sure the service card was not marked used so that when my new sim came all i was to do was call & activate &reload minutes.Nope.

Hand my bf his phone& away he went to work in a town 2 hours from my location.Finally thinking all issues resolve i notice i am getting weird text messages from his "people ". READ THIS REAL STORY OF STRAIGHT TALKS HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!I have purchased the warranty was told it would cover my phone for 1 year my phone breaks i wait a long time for the box to arrive to mail it back after trying to explain for literally 2:45 min on the phone with c.s.The phone comes back half working but often dialing the wrong number.The screen cracks again i try to send it back and the warranty no longer is any good they decide that once is all i am alloted on a warranty.I then purchase a bring your own phone sim card with a service pin,i then use my boyfriends i phone (w /straight talk service also a bring your own phone purchased 2 years earlier)I finally get a rep who speaks enough clear english to assist me.after a grueling 1:37 min.on the phone once again trying to explain what the situation. I intend to bring a lawsuit against them for their unscrupulous practices, it is my hope that the media will publish an article so that others similarly affected can join me in a class-action suit that will bring this evil corporation to its knees! They are nothing but a bunch of scam artists that steal from people and then hid behind poor customer service flunkies in third-world sweatshops and their bureaucratic "policies" to avoid accountability. I have asked repeatedly for a pro-rated refund, and Straight Talk refuses. I have spent hours troubleshooting hardware in fact, I even activated a different phone, by a different manufacturer to see if had the same problem, and no matter what phone I activate, I still can't use the data I am paying for. They insist the problem is with my hardware, which is a lie. I have wasted hours, been hung up on dozens of time, and been all-around treated very poorly. Since then, I have spoken with more than 60 (SIXTY!!!!) of your agents to try to get a resolution. Just 5 days in, on 12-13-2019, my data quit working.